Congratulations to the 2020 Craft Research Fund Project Awardees!

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Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

for Scholars

Craft Research Fund Grant

Grants up to $15,000 are awarded to support new and interdisciplinary research about craft in the United States.

This grant is open and accepting applications! Get more info→

Due to the impact of Hurricane Helene on our region, the Center for Craft will run the 2025 Craft Research Fund on a modified timeline. The 2025 Craft Research Fund application deadline has been extended to November 15, 2024. Please see other timeline shifts below.

All applications that were already submitted will still be considered. Please contact with any questions.

Shaker brooms and brushes at Hancock Shaker Village, Pittsfield, MA; Photo courtesy of Cate O'Connell-Richards

The Craft Research Fund is the Center's first and longest-running grant program dedicated to supporting new and interdisciplinary research about craft in the United States. Since 2005, the program has supported 244 projects in 40 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia by distributing over $1,900,000.

Grant goals


To encourage innovative research on critical issues in craft theory and history


To investigate neglected questions on craft history and criticism


To support new cross-disciplinary approaches to scholarship in craft


2025 Craft Research Fund Grant

The Craft Research Fund was created to encourage, expand and support craft research in the United States.


  • Award Amount:
  • $5,000 to $15,000
  • Grant Period:
  • 18 months


  • Application Open:
  • June 17, 2024
  • Information Session:
  • August 14, 2024
  • Application Deadline:
  • November 15, 2024
  • Award Notification:
  • February 2025
  • Grant Period Begins:
  • March 2025
  • Grant Period Ends:
  • September 2026

2025 Craft Research Fund Grant - Eligibility

Proposals are welcome from applicants including but not limited to organizations, curators, artist-researchers, independent and academic researchers, and scholars.

  • This grant is intended to support research and is not for the creation of artwork 
  • This grant is not provide funding for already completed research or the dissemination of already completed research

Applicants must be: 

  • Applicants must be able to receive taxable income in the U.S. for the duration of the grant and report this grant as income
  • Applicants must be 18 years of age or older

Applicants cannot be: 

  • Substantial contributors to the Center for Craft as well as current employees, consultants, or board members of the Center for Craft, or immediate family members of such person.

If an applicant has been previously awarded a Center for Craft grant but did not complete the project or is still in the progress of completing a grant or fellowship they are not eligible to apply. 

Applicants may only receive one Center for Craft grant and/or fellowship per year. Awards cannot be deferred to the next year due to outstanding applications or multiple awards.

The Center encourages applications from historically underrepresented populations. The Center for Craft prohibits discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on sex, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, national origin, disability or perceived disability, age, marital status, gender identity, veteran status, or any other protected category. Applying does not constitute a promise or guarantee of being awarded a grant.

What is Craft?

The Center for Craft defines craft as a particular approach to making with a strong connection to materials, skill, and process. Artists, makers, scholars, and curators continue to grow the field, embracing new definitions, technologies, and ideas while honoring craft's history and relationship to the handmade.

Craft, in all its forms, demonstrates creativity, ingenuity, and practical intelligence. It contributes to the economic and social wellbeing of communities, connects us to our cultural histories, and is integral to building a sustainable future.

Examples of scholarly craft research might include:

  • Research providing new insight into work by historical or contemporary craft in the U.S.
  • Projects presenting a new understanding of the relationship between handmade production and digital technologies
  • Providing a new contribution to the history of craft in the United States
  • Projects that place American craft in a global context
  • Or other topics that offer fresh perspectives within craft


  • Funding is intended to support craft research.
  • At least eighty-five percent (85%) of funding must be used for expenses directly related to conducting research, such as travel and living expenses, attending relevant archives, workshops, conferences, or symposia, subcontracted research assistance, stipends for interviews, commissioning research in the form of essay contributions, other contracted research services (such as photography), cost for support documentation such as images or rights to use images or text, photocopies, transcriptions, or other reproductions, purchase of primary source materials, and other incidental research expenses.
    • For museums, galleries, universities, and organizations who are applying to the grant, please limit staffing and overhead costs to 15% of your total budget ask, i.e. if applying for $15,000 in support, total personnel and overhead costs should be a maximum of $2,250.
    • For individuals applying, please provide a rationale for your personal stipend or honorarium in the budget narrative.
  • Fifteen percent (15%) of funding may be used for research dissemination. This may include publication printing costs, website development, and digital database development, exhibition production, workshop facilitation fees, and symposium and conference related expenses for research dissemination.
  • For travel purposes, the Center for Craft recommends applicants use the following resources U.S. General Services Administration and Budget Your Trip.
  • Capital equipment purchases are not eligible for support. Examples of capital equipment may include laptops, recorders, printers, or other items not listed.
  • The Center for Craft requires that all grant recipients provide financial remuneration to working artists for their time, labor, and services rendered toward the awarded project scope and goals. For remuneration estimates, we recommend consulting the floor wages listed on the Working Artists and the Greater Economy (W.A.G.E.) fee calculator website at
  • When working with community members, the Center for Craft requires that all grant recipients provide financial remuneration for their time, labor, and services rendered towards the awarded project scope and goals.

2025 Craft Research Fund Grant - Requirements

Funded research must be completed within the designated timeline as proposed in the recipient application. Incomplete projects will result in the awardee having to rescind funds. Awardees will not be eligible to apply for a Center for Craft grant or fellowship opportunity in the future if the project remains incomplete.

Seventy percent (70%) of the grant funds will be distributed upon the return of a signed grant agreement form between the Center for Craft and the recipient and receipt of the recipient’s W9.

Thirty percent (30%) of the grant funds will be distributed upon receipt of the recipient's final report and two copies of any publication produced as a result of the research grant award. Research and final reports must be completed in 18 months, with a deadline of August 30, 2026. If there is no publication, then applicants must provide a copy of the completed research in full. The final report should include:

  • 3-5 images relating to the research
  • Please include attendance and audience engagement numbers from conferences, workshops, symposiums, and exhibitions associated with funded research.
  • Project/Exhibition narrative and research outcome
  • Budget report

Recipients will acknowledge support from the Center for Craft by including the tag “This research was supported by a Craft Research Fund grant from the Center for Craft” in any publications or presentations resulting from the grant.

2025 Craft Research Fund Grant - Review Process

Proposals will be reviewed by the Center for Craft staff for completeness and evaluated by an outside review panel, who are recognized craft scholars, researchers, and/or curators, free of any conflict of interest, based on the following criteria:

  • Program Goals Alignment: The proposal addresses one or more goals of the Craft Research Fund, such as conducting innovative research on critical issues in craft theory and history, investigating neglected questions on craft history and criticism, and/or, engaging in cross-disciplinary approaches to scholarship in craft
  • Impact: The research is timely and needed. The dissemination plan will make a significant impact on our collective understanding of how and why craft matters
  • Feasibility: The project is feasible based on the timeline, applicant expertise, and budget reflected in the application.

The Center for Craft reserves the right to limit support of a project to a particular portion(s) or cost(s).

Considerations in final selection:

The Center for Craft respects, values, and celebrates the unique attributes, characteristics, and perspectives that make each person who they are. We foster open communication of diverse perspectives and bring a broad range of individuals together to enrich and support programming. Ultimately, we will ask the Selection Panel to compose a set of recipients deserving of further recognition while prioritizing diversity, both in and outside of academia, and representing a range of geographies, materials, and communities served.

Priority will be given to applicants whose research and proposed research outcomes address underrepresentation in craft.

2025 Craft Research Fund Grant - How to Apply

GRANT ORIENTATION: A virtual application information session will be held on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, from 5:00 to - 6:00 pm ET. The information session recording will be available on the Craft Research Fund Grant webpage located on the Center for Craft website.

DEADLINE: Applications for the 2025 Craft Research Fund must be submitted via SlideRoom no later than 11:59 pm ET on October 4, 2024. Free to apply.

NOTIFICATION: Notification of the results will be sent via email in December 2024. The grant period will begin on January 1, 2025. The email address listed on the application form will be used to send out notifications. Please be sure that it is a valid account that you check regularly.

HOW TO APPLY: Applicants must apply using the online application program SlideRoom at Please review the sample application below before beginning your application. 

All applicants should create a SlideRoom account to begin the application. Before submitting your application, you will be directed to a confirmation page where you will be able to review your form and return to edit or delete your uploaded files as needed. Once you submit your application, you will not be able to access your form again. Applicants will receive a confirmation email once the application form has been successfully submitted.


2025 Craft Research Fund – Project Grant

This is only a sample application, all applications must be completed in SlideRoom.

Demographic Survey

The Center for Craft recognizes that demographic data is a limited way of understanding who is applying to our grant programs. However, it's also an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to developing equitable and accessible programs, and many of our funders require that we collect this information.

Please note that demographic data will remain anonymous, will in no way affect your application, and will only be used for grant writing and reporting purposes. While completion of this form is required, you may answer any of the questions with the "Prefer not to answer" option. If you are applying as a collaborative or organization, please select the option “Not applicable.” Thank you.

  1. Which age group best describes you?
  2. Which of the following best describes your gender identity? (Select all that apply)
  3. Do you identify as LGBTQIA+?
  4. Which of the following best describes your race/ethnicity? (Select all that apply)
  5. What is your total annual household income?
  6. Do you identify as having a disability? (such as a physical disability, a cognitive or learning disability, sensory impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorder, or mental illness)
  7. If you have a disability and feel comfortable sharing, how would you describe your disability, and what accommodations would be most useful to you? (If you do not identify as having a disability, are applying on behalf of an organization or collective, or prefer not to answer, please enter N/A) Note: your response to this question will be used to help us make decisions about where to invest resources in staff training and accommodations to make our grant programs more accessible. As with all questions in this survey, your response will remain anonymous and confidential.
  8. What is the highest level of schooling you have completed or the highest degree you have completed? If currently enrolled, mark the highest level/degree already received.
  9. Recognizing the limitations of check-box demographics surveys, is there anything you would like to tell us about your identity and/or the communities you belong to that the survey did not capture? (optional)
  10. Which of the following do you most identify with?

Cover Sheet 

  1. Name (applicant(s), collective, organization) and your title (if applicable - associated with an organization or institution)
  2. Title (up to 15 words, 85 character limit)
  3. Your personal or project-specific website
  4. Grant amount requested (up to $15,000)
  5. Are you over the age of 18? (yes or no)
  6. Are you able to receive income in the United States or U.S. territories that is taxable by the United States or U.S. territories for the duration of the project period?
  7. Please list up to three of the communities with whom you most frequently work or which you plan to engage through your funded project. You might consider age, skill, materials, identity, sexuality, geographic area, or other characteristics that the people you work with have in common (for example, veterans, refugees, queer communities, youth, textile artists, residents of Western North Carolina, or other groups and communities of practice not mentioned here).
  8. How did you learn about this opportunity?
  9. Have you previously applied for a Center for Craft grant/fellowship?


  1. Please provide a one-page summary of your proposal (no more than 50 words, 300 character limit).
  2. Please provide a project description in no more than 1,000 words (2 pages, 6,000 character limit) please address the following:
    • Proposal goals and objectives
    • Research question and relevance to the advancement of new and interdisciplinary research of craft in the United States some text
    • Two to three other scholars who have written significant works on/around your topic, and describe how your work compares to and pushes the topic forward
    • Outcome - Proposals must clearly identify the intended outcome of the research that will be completed within the 18 month grant period, including audiences and/or publishing opportunities. Will your deliverable include a publication, a peer-reviewed journal, papers presented at a scholarly conference, a university colloquium a public forum, or online publications? If you are conducting curatorial research please include the exhibition dates. If the project includes an online or ongoing component please describe your sustainability maintenance plan.
  3. How does your lived experience relate to your proposed area of research? Please describe your experience over time (up to 100 words / 500 to 650 character limit).
  4. Please include a list of who you will work with to conduct your research, a short description of their role, and why they were selected. This may include scholars, historians, archivists, writers, artists, curators, museums, institutions, and other collaborators not listed ( up to 150 words / 750 to 975 character limit).
  5. Please provide a list of at least 10 sources that you will utilize in your research. This may include a list of books, articles, manuscripts, journals, websites, catalogs, or a list of previous exhibitions on or related to the proposed and other publications (up to 350 words / 1,750 to 2,275 character limit).
  6. Timeline (form provided in SlideRoom). Please provide a timeline for completing the project. The grant period begins on January 1, 2025. Projects must be completed by August 30, 2026 (18 months from start date).
  7. Budget Income Form (provided in SlideRoom). The budget income form is to indicate if you have additional sources of secured or anticipated (prospected) income. In addition, please list the total amount requested from the Craft Research Fund here. Please list no more than 10 items.

Examples of income:

  • other grants secured/prospected;
  • support from institutions (school or university support);
  • in-kind support (for example percentages of salaries or hourly rates for time commitments)

    8. Budget Expense Form (provided in SlideRoom). Please list no more than 15         items. The minimum budget requests should be $5,000; the maximum budget         request should be $15,000. Projects may exceed $15,000 if other support is listed         in the budget.

Expense Examples:

  • Support Stipends/Honoraria (List research assistants with names)
  • Travel/Expenses (include lodging and meals, itemized per destination) for travel purposes, the Center for Craft recommends applicants use the following resources U.S. General Services Administration and Budget Your Trip.

    9. Budget Narrative. Please provide a narrative for any budget items that require

2025 Craft Research Fund Grant - FAQ

Where can I find information about previous recipients of the Craft Research Fund Grant?

Check out our online Grant Recipient Archive here. You can sort by grant opportunity by searching “Craft Research Fund” in the search Filter.

What is the final deadline for submitting my online application form?

Applications for the 2025 Craft Research Fund must be submitted via SlideRoom no later than 11:59 pm ET on October 4, 2024.

May I mail a hard copy of my application materials to the Center for Craft’s office?

No, hard copy submissions will not be accepted. The application must be completed and submitted through SlideRoom.

Can I work on my application and return to complete it at a later date?

Yes, creating a login account will enable you to complete the form in several online sessions.

I just submitted my application but I want to return to it and make an edit. Is this possible?

No, once your application is submitted, you will not be able to return to the form or change any submitted information. The application fee must also be paid at the time of submitting your application as you will not be able to log-in again to access the payment page again.

I have previously received a Center for Craft grant. Am I eligible to apply? 


I have previously received a Center for Craft grant but did not complete the project or am still in the progress of completing the project I was funded for. Am I eligible to apply? 


Are applicants responsible for obtaining copyrights to documents, images, and manuscripts included in their research? 


Are collaboratives allowed to apply?

Collaboratives are welcome to apply. There must be one fiduciary agent for the group or one person who will receive the award funds as this person will be responsible for paying taxes on the award amount funded.

Who can I contact with questions?

For any questions, please contact Mellanee Goodman, Grant Program Manager - Research & Ideas, at or call (828) 785 - 1357 ext. 103.


Meet the 2020
Craft Research Fund Project Grant Recipients

The Center for Craft is pleased to announce the recipients of 2020 Craft Research Fund Project Grants.

Julie Leonard




University of Iowa Center for the Book

Support for Julie Leonard (Associate Professor of Book Arts, University of Iowa Center for the Book) for the Book Arts Digital Database, which will provide an in-depth digital finding aid for the study of substantial and historically-relevant book arts materials held in the University of Iowa Special Collections.

Learn more

The Marks Project




As part of a larger project to create a legacy tool for American ceramic artists working 1945 onward, The Marks Project received support to document the American Museum of Ceramic Art’s (AMOCA) American Ceramic Society collection (ACerS). While documenting the clay arts members of the Southern Highland Craft Guild assisted by a 2017 Center for Craft, Creativity and Design Project Grant, TMP discovered the ACerS collection. Combined, these two grant projects will make 500 American potters searchable on

Learn more

Allison Robinson




Support for the research of Allison Robinson, PhD candidate in History, University of Chicago (expected graduation June 2020) regarding her dissertation, “The Political Biography of Dolls: Pedagogy and Reform through WPA Programming," which investigates government intervention in labor and public education through the production of handicraft dolls.

Learn more

Dr. Sarah Warren




Purchase College

The 2020 Craft Research Fund supports the book projects of Associate Professor of Art History at Purchase College Dr. Sarah Warren will receive $12,500 for research related to the publication Between Rival Utopias: Craft, Counterculture, and the Persistence of Modernism.

Learn more

Dr. Jennifer Way




Support for Dr. Jennifer Way (Professor of Art History, University of North Texas) to travel for research related to Deploying Craft: Crafting Healing and Wellness in War Contexts, a monograph book project that examines why and how making craft afforded rehabilitation, restoration, and wellness to American troops, the home front, and veterans during the long twentieth century.

Learn more


Meet the 2024 
Craft Research Fund Grant Recipients

The Center for Craft is pleased to announce the recipients of 2024 Craft Research Fund  Grants. This year five scholars and artists will receive a total of $38,500 to support craft-centered research, publications, and projects in the United States.

Headshot of Karen Baker

Karen Baker


African-American textile and fiber artists and designers have been underrepresented despite their many contributions to textile design history. This research project will highlight their important contributions from 1800 to 1909.

Headshot of Jacqueline Bishop

Jacqueline Bishop


This research will focus on the history of silk-making on South Carolina plantations by enslaved individuals that have been obscured but not erased.

Headshot of Kira Dominguez Hultgren

Kira Dominguez Hultgren


This project will focus on a constructed history of contemporary Chicanx weaving that intersects the U.S. fiber movement from the 1960s to the present, and an engagement with the absence of Chicanx weaving in U.S. craft and Latinx art histories.

Headshot of Stacey Mitchell

Stacey Mitchell


This project will research and record the process and techniques of Fancy Basket making, to help preserve this ancestral tradition for the future

Headshot of Cate O’Connell-Richards

Cate O'Connell-Richards


This project will compile the memories, facts, and perspectives on the development of American broom making into an understandable social history. A long-form article will be written as well as two free, public handouts that use fieldwork, interviews/oral histories, and personal research.

No items found.

The Craft Research Fund program is administered by the Center for Craft and supported by the Windgate Foundation.












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