Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

Mattie Hinkley

Windgate-Lamar Fellowship


Handcrafted objects serve as tangible evidence of the connection between our bodies, our labor, and our environment. This ancient connection is often lost with the inclusion of mechanized labor or imported materials. I’m interested in ways of making which not only maintain this direct line of earth-to-hand, but glorify human labor and natural materials as integral parts of the object. My own work focuses on objects which reference domestic goods and furniture. By utilizing minimal color and humble materials like local lumber and earthenware clay, I deprioritize glitz and wealth as standards for value, instead inviting consideration on form and function. My utilitarian objects serve to celebrate our labor and ourselves. They promote the notion that nothing is below consideration for devotion, particularly the things with which we interact daily, and that all work deserves recognition. I believe in improving the experiences of domesticity and labor, and finding joy in the bodies and spaces we occupy daily.

Bio of the Artist

Organization Background


Chico, CA


Virginia Commonwealth University




Grant amount


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