Center for Craft 25th anniversary logo in red

Grant Recipient

Blown glass vessel referencing the medical procedure of Paracentesis

Lauren Aria

Windgate-Lamar Fellowship


My work explores flow, viscosity, and corporeality through performance and a variety of glassmaking processes. The skin on our bodies is the only barrier we have between ourselves and the material world around us, and is the most significant surface foregrounding our physical experiences of the outside world. This binary between internal and external drives my explorations of flow and the body within my work. I expose a variety of methods in which liquids move within and through our own bodies, while also exploring the fluid nature of the movements of our own bodies as we act, live, and experience our daily lives. Much of my current work is inherently visceral, carefully interlacing the viscous nature of fluids and hot glass to the body which is physically present or implied within my work. Hot glass-working is an inherently performative practice, requiring a close, calibrated relationship between artist and object. The material naturally lends itself as a reflection and representation of the body. Through my work, I expose the overlapping and interconnected relationships between materials and bodies. Moving forward, I am looking to explore these ideas through a careful examination of human skin and its properties closely reflecting those of glass.

Paracentesis, blown glass, vinyl tubing, dyed water, vegetable oil, tee valve, two submersible pumps, 9" x 4" x 5”, December 2021

Bio of the Artist

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Madison, WI


University of Wisconsin-Madison




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